The new ITA network of UHF (Bands IV and V) 625-line transmitting stations should begin to come into service in some main areas on 15th November 1969, and will build up to provide national coverage over the following years. About 25 main stations and a considerable number of relay stations are planned to be in operation by the end of 1971.
All these UHF stations will carry combined colour/black-and-white programmes from the time they are taken into service.
The programmes transmitted on this network will be simultaneously transmitted on the 405-line system by the existing network of VHF (Band III) stations in black-and-white only. These VHF transmissions will continue unaffected for a number of years yet – so that no receivers will be rendered obsolete.
The new network will not carry a ‘second’ Independent Television programme – but for the first time the ITV programmes will, in many cases, be available to viewers in the 625-line colour/black-and-white system.
Viewers who can already receive existing BBC2 UHF transmissions in black-and-white or colour should usually be able to receive ITA UHF transmissions (when available in their district) without any change in receiver or aerial system.
When all three British programme services are available in a particular district, it will be possible, if desired, to use a single-standard (625-line-only) receiver with a single UHF-only aerial. Such sets are likely to appear on the market.
The most important factor in obtaining good UHF reception is to use a good aerial (installed in the loft, or better still on a high outside mounting) in conjunction with low-loss feeder cable.
Parliament created the Independent Television Authority (ITA) in August 1954 for ten years, and then extended its life for another twelve years to 1976. Its function, as defined by the 1964 Television Act, is to provide public television services of information, education and entertainment.
The Authority owns and operates transmitting stations, and selects and appoints contractors (the programme companies) to provide the programmes for transmission from these stations. The programme companies obtain their revenue from the sale of advertising time in their own areas. Neither the Authority nor the programme companies receive any income from licence fees or other public funds.
CORONATION STREET. Violet Carson as Ena Sharples. (Granada)
The ITA Engineering Information Service exists to help the trade and viewers in achieving good reception of present and future Independent Television programmes. It can provide information and advice on all ITA transmissions. Inquiries should be addressed to the ITA Engineering Information Service, ITA, 70 Brompton Road, London SW3. Telephone 01-584 7011, Extension 444.